A 15-minute croquis —

Usually, a 15-minute croquis (quick drawing) is not meant for public display.
The one below is no exception. Anyone can notice its rigid, clumsy lines — I made this croquis soon I after I began taking drawing lessons, back in the late 1980s.

Now, back then, I already had some LGBT acquaintances around me, from whom I learned that “sex” is not simply “binary” — it’s not flip-flop. In other words, life takes diversities beyond human categorization / comprehension.

And this perception was already at work in me as I made these rigid, cranky lines. “A life form placed in time/space, looking beyond.” (Notice, especially, the eyes of the model.)
This “perspective” — a life form in time/space looking beyond — has by now become a “perspective” I have acquired, even though I do not know whether it is “1-point” or “4-point” (3Ds plus time).

Also, painting a naked woman as femme fatale has long been one of the cliches produced by genderism.  Painting a human body as a life form can certainly de-gender naked bodies. The results of this de-gendering can seem to be “goodie clean” to some.

15-min croquis I made soon after I began drawing lessons --- clumsy and rigid lines

15-min croquis I made soon after I began drawing lessons — clumsy and rigid lines


About FrancisH

A freelance painter, copywriter, and beading artist
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