穴のない石に結び目を / Tying knots on the hole-less

すぐ下の「穴のない石」に、テグス線を通したシードビーズ(直径1㎜ 程度の小さなビーズ)を絡めて、しっかりと結び付けたところです。暴力的な衝撃が加わらない限り、石は「ビーズの包み」から出られません。こうすれば、「穴のない石」を、ネックレスなりブレスレットなりに安定的に取り付けられます。



I’ve tied fishing lines with seed beads (the smallest type of beads) onto the two natural pebbles shown in the preceding post. The lines are stable, and unless some violent shock is given, the pebble stays inside the “knots of beads”. This way, you can stably tie a “hole-less pebble” onto a necklace, bracelet, etc.

Please note that such “tying up” is not easy, since a natural pebble is no easy job, since such a pebble has quite an irregular shape!

In my next post, I’ll show you a bracelet featuring the “tied pebbles” shown here —

シードビーズの線を結びつけた状態 / the pebbles with seed bead lines tied up on them

シードビーズの線を結びつけた状態 / the pebbles with seed bead lines tied up on them


About FrancisH

A freelance painter, copywriter, and beading artist
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