(タイシャン原発はフランスのFramatomeと中国のパートナーとが共同で運営しているのだが) そのFramatomeがアメリカ政府に6月8日、同原発での放射性物質の漏れが疑われると報告したそうです。中国の原子力安全管理当局は、同原発での安全基準を緩和し続けて稼働停止を回避していると、同社は主張しています。
China nuclear plant: US assessing reported leak at facility in Taishan, Guangdong – CNNPolitics
CNNの情報提供者は、Kylie Atwood, Kristen Holmes, Yong Xiong and Shanshan Wang
(CNN) The US government has spent the past week assessing a report of a leak at a Chinese nuclear power plant, after a French company that part owns and helps operate it warned of an “imminent radiological threat,” according to US officials and documents reviewed by CNN.
The warning included an accusation that the Chinese safety authority was raising the acceptable limits for radiation detection outside the Taishan Nuclear Power Plant in Guangdong province in order to avoid having to shut it down, according to a letter from the French company to the US Department of Energy obtained by CNN.
Despite the alarming notification from Framatome, the French company, the Biden administration believes the facility is not yet at a “crisis level,” one of the sources said.
While US officials have deemed the situation does not currently pose a severe safety threat to workers at the plant or Chinese public, it is unusual that a foreign company would unilaterally reach out to the American government for help when its Chinese state-owned partner is yet to acknowledge a problem exists. The scenario could put the US in a complicated situation should the leak continue or become more severe without being fixed.
However, concern was significant enough that the National Security Council held multiple meetings last week as they monitored the situation, including two at the deputy level and another gathering at the assistant secretary level on Friday, which was led by NSC Senior Director for China Laura Rosenberger and Senior Director for Arms Control Mallory Stewart, according to US officials.
The Biden administration has discussed the situation with the French government and their own experts at the Department of Energy, sources said. The US has also been in contact with the Chinese government, US officials said, though the extent of that contact is unclear.
The US government declined to explain the assessment but officials at the NSC, State Department and the Department of Energy insisted that if there were any risk to the Chinese public, the US would be required to make it known under current treaties related to nuclear accidents.
Framatome had reached out to the US in order to obtain a waiver that would allow them to share American technical assistance in order to resolve the issue at the Chinese plant. There are only two reasons why this waiver would be granted, and one is an “imminent radiological threat,” the same verbiage used in the June 8 memo.
The memo claims the Chinese limit was increased to exceed French standards, yet it remains unclear how that compares to US limits.
“It is not surprising that the French would reach out,” according to Cheryl Rofer, a nuclear scientist who retired from Los Alamos National Laboratory in 2001. “In general, this sort of thing is not extraordinary, particularly if they think the country they are contacting has some special ability to help.”
“But China likes to project that everything is just fine, all the time,” she added.
(CNN) CNNがレビューした、アメリカ政府高官たちとその関連文書によれば、中国の原発を共同所有しその稼働を支援しているフランスの企業が「逼迫した放射線脅威」に関する警告を発し、それを受けてアメリカ政府は先週、その放射性物質漏れ報告を検討した。
だがこの警告は充分に現実的なもので、アメリカ政府高官たちによれば、アメリカの国家安全保障会議(NSC)は先週幾度も会合を開き、問題の現状を監視した。代理レベルの会合が2回、さらに金曜日には次官レベルの会議が持たれた。金曜日の会議の指揮を執ったのは、NSCの中国担当上級ディレクターであるLaura Rosenberger と軍縮担当上級ディレクターのMallory Stewartであった。
2001年にロス アラモス国営研究所を退任した核科学者Cheryl Roferによれば、「フランス企業がアメリカに働きかけてきたのは、驚くに当たらない。一般に、この種の問題は珍しいことではなく、連絡相手の国に特殊な支援能力があるとみなされている場合には、特にそうだ」