カホヴカ ダム運営事業者とIAEAの間で見解の食い違い??

カホヴカ ダム破壊によるザポリージャ原発

Beyond Nuclear Bulletin  2023年6月9日
Destruction of Nova Kakhovka Dam
jeopardizes Zaporizhzhia NPP cooling

June 9, 2023 , UPDATE:  Ukrainian operators at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station (still under Russian military occupation) warn that the water level in the Kakhovka reservoir behind the breached Nova Kakhovka Dam has dropped below 42 feet and that the nuclear reactor’s cooling water pumping station is no longer capable of pumping water up to  replenish cooling water levels going into the six shutdown reactors from the reserve cooling water canal and storage pond system.  IAEA is disputing this  reporting of the reactor operator’s alert and maintains that there is no imminent threat of fuel damage given that current cooling water reserves onsite in cooling channels and ponds are adequate for several more months.



About FrancisH

A freelance painter, copywriter, and beading artist
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