The same failure / 同じ失敗例

Why do I post more photos of the same failure?? Again, “honesty is the best policy” — I intend to make clear what I am currently able to do and what I am unable to.
So, once again, currently,

★ I am unable to make with beads a 3D doll — I tried, but ended up with a mess like this!
☆ I am able to make most of common accessories — necklaces, chokers, rosaries, rings, bracelets, headbands, etc.

なぜ、失敗例の写真をさらにアップロードするのか? やはり、「できること」と「できないこと」を明確に皆様に提示したいのですね。

★ 三次元の人形などをビーズで作るのは、私には無理です。
☆ 「よくある」アクセサリーの大半は、対応できます。ネックレス、チョーカー、ロザリオ、リング、ブレスレット、ヘッドバンドなどなど



Another photo of the same failure

Another photo of the same failure


Posted in Uncategorized | The same failure / 同じ失敗例 はコメントを受け付けていません

An example of failure / 失敗の例

I believe in honesty, so I present my failures as well in this weblog.
The intention is to show you what I am currently unable to do, in addition to what I am able to. With thios distinction made clear, you can rest assured I will get your orders done!
Here is an example — the head of a “beaded doll” I messed up — I tried to weave some seed beads to make them into a little doll, and I simply ended up with a mess!
So, currently, as of December 2014, I am not good enough to “neat 3D objects” with beads. Unlike with common accessories like necklaces, rosaries, bracelets, head bands, rings, etc. I still need more training with 3D dolls, I confess here!


The same head, from a side

The same head, from a side

Head of the messed up doll

Head of the messed up doll

Posted in Uncategorized | An example of failure / 失敗の例 はコメントを受け付けていません

Christmas greeting! / クリスマスのご挨拶

Though my work schedule still has “deadly deadlines,” here is my visual Christmas greeting to you all!
A “croquis” (quick sketch) of a model holding a baby, made in 10 minutes or so. Water and pastel on paper.
Though commercialized Nativity images usually present the Mother and the Infant Jesus in an easy, comfortable environment, the very act of “salvation” inevitably implies the “savior” has come into some deadly situations. I think this croquis carries that atmosphere of “deadliness.”
Please click the image to enlarge.


A "savior" by its very definition comes right into some deadly situation ---

A “savior” by its very definition comes right into some deadly situation —

Posted in Uncategorized | Christmas greeting! / クリスマスのご挨拶 はコメントを受け付けていません

( >_<)"> Too many writing jobs —

In short, I have too many writing job deadlines — when I finish off one, there comes in another one!!  Please wait until I am able to make the next post here!!



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Soon, will resume “Weeping Face” —

Just one more writing job deadline to go — I’ll soon resume working on “Weeping Face.” Until I come up with a photo of the next laayer, please wait watching this nude drawing I made years ago~

ライティングの仕事の納期は、あと1つになりました。すぐに、Weeping Faceのペインティングを再開できます。その写真をここに投稿するまで、下のデッサンをあげておきますね。何年も前に、裸体モデルのデッサン会で描いたものです。

Years ago, at a nude model drawing session ---

Years ago, at a nude model drawing session —

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Front of below / 下のオモテ

So, this is the front side of the long-sleeved No Nukes shirt below —

で、これが下の長そでNo Nukesシャツのオモテ面です。


Posted in Uncategorized | Front of below / 下のオモテ はコメントを受け付けていません

No Nukes long-sleeved shirt / 長そでのNo Nukesシャツ

I wrongly thought I already posted this in another page of this weblog — I found I had yet to! So, here it is, a long-sleeved No Nukes shirt! Back.

これ、このブログのほかのページに投稿済みと思っていましたが、まだしていませんでした。長そでのNo Nukes シャツ、ウラ面です。

Back, long-sleeved No Nukes shirt

Back, long-sleeved No Nukes shirt

Posted in Uncategorized | No Nukes long-sleeved shirt / 長そでのNo Nukesシャツ はコメントを受け付けていません

beading work in progress / ビーズの方も進めております

I know the photo below does not make sense to most of you, but it is a work in progress. I have a request from someone to make a 3D doll of woven beads and am working on it —  Not officially ordered yet.


Doll of woven beads in progress

Doll of woven beads in progress

Posted in Uncategorized | beading work in progress / ビーズの方も進めております はコメントを受け付けていません

Weeping Face IV

Once again, a rush writing job intervened my postings! This time, one from Honolulu, Hawaii, came in around 11:30pm JST, Saturday!!  “Aloha, and PLEASE HELP!”
Now, this is “Weeping Face” after the second oil layers are applied.
More layers are needed.

またもや、急ぎのライティングの仕事で中断しましたが、Weeping Face の油彩第2層を塗った後です。まだまだ塗り重ねます。
なお、今度の急ぎ仕事は、なんと日本時間で土曜日の深夜11:30ごろに、ホノルルから押し込まれたものでした! 「アロハ! 頼むから、助けてくれ!」

Aloha! with tears ???

Aloha! with tears ???

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What the — ? / なんだ??? (・o・ ;;;)

Well, when I was working on the first oil layer of “Weeping Face” below, there was some oil paints left over. i applied them to another carton board, as the imprimatura of another painting.
With this one, I avoided gesso, since I found tempera resisted by this gesso I have, in “Weeping Face” earlier.
So, with this one, I applied the leftover oils directly on the paper.

別の絵画作品のインプリマトゥーラです。下のWeeping Faceの油彩第1層を描いていたとき、油絵の具が余りました。それを、別のイラストボードに塗ってインプリマトゥーラにしたわけです。
ここでは、ジェッソを塗っていません。Weeping Faceではジェッソを塗りましたが、どうもテンペラをはじくようでした。なので今度は、余った油絵の具を紙に直接塗りました。

Imprimatura of another painting, this time oils directly on paper

Imprimatura of another painting, this time oils directly on paper

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