\’ (;;; ☆ O☆) / Don’t panic!!

Don’t panic, my friends.
This is still ‘imprimatura’ of the painting i am currently working on, “Weeping Face.” This means it is supposed to be messy, in this stage!
In the coming days, I’ll apply many more thin layers of oil over this imprimatura, to ‘build up” the painting.

これに何層も、油彩の薄い層を重ねていって、Weeping Faceという絵画を構築していくわけですね。

Still imprimatura of tempera

Still imprimatura of tempera

Posted in Uncategorized | \’ (;;; ☆ O☆) / Don’t panic!! はコメントを受け付けていません

(;; ・ o・) What a mess!?!? / なにこれ、ぐちゃぐちゃ!?


Ha, ha, ha, this is the first layer of the “imprimatura” — in my case, I make a mess of many colors in imprimatura, though I do think of teh finished picture, especially its colors and color placements, as I make a “mess.” The layers of imprimatura are usually invisible in the finished painting, yet they actually create depth in colors.
For the time being, with this “Weeping Face,” I work on the imprimatura.

Imprimatura, layer 1

Imprimatura, layer 1

Posted in Uncategorized | (;; ・ o・) What a mess!?!? / なにこれ、ぐちゃぐちゃ!? はコメントを受け付けていません

( @ O@) What is this?? / なんだ、これは??

Hahaha, this is a carton (a carton used as a “support” of a painting, known as an “illustration board” in Japanese) “primed” with gesso (plaster). After the gesso dries up, I begin to paint some “imprimatura” with tempera.
Then, I’ll apply many very thin layers of oil — yes, I am turning the esquisse of “Weeping Face” below into a painting of tempera & oil on carton. This should take months!

そののち、薄い油彩の層を幾度も重ねていきます。はい、古典描法で、下のWeeping Faceのエスキースを作品にしようというわけです。何か月か、かかるでしょう!



Posted in Uncategorized | ( @ O@) What is this?? / なんだ、これは?? はコメントを受け付けていません

An esquisse / まだエスキースです

This is still an esquisse yet — a weeping face. Thinking of turning it into a ‘classical’ painting of tempera and oil. An ‘esquisse,” a French word for “sketch,” refers to a preparatory drawing painting on which the final work is based.


Esquisse for “Weeping face”, pastel on paper


Posted in Uncategorized | An esquisse / まだエスキースです はコメントを受け付けていません

my first oil painting / 私の最初の油彩画

Apples, chestnuts, dry branch, lily, water in a glass, bananas, and a vin rose

Apples, chestnuts, dry branch, lily, water in a glass, bananas, and a vin rose

I’ve found out a very old photo of the first oil painting I made.
Note that some room lights are reflected in the upper right half.
Nothing much. I was just learning to work with oil paints back then. So, I set up some objects on a little table, and painted them in a very “descriptive” way.



Posted in Uncategorized | my first oil painting / 私の最初の油彩画 はコメントを受け付けていません

Iwaishima flyer, back / 祝島フライヤー、ウラ

Now, this is the back side of teh Iwaishima flyer.
Again, this is a scanned image of a printed copy. So, the tiny letters, etc. are hard to read in the image below. I’d appreciate your understanding.

For more info, or to place an order, please contact ermite@jcom.home.ne.jp


お問い合わせ・ご注文は、ermite@jcom.home.ne.jp まで!

Back side of the Iwaishima flyer 祝島フライヤー、ウラ面

Back side of the Iwaishima flyer

Posted in Uncategorized | Iwaishima flyer, back / 祝島フライヤー、ウラ はコメントを受け付けていません

Iwaishima Flyer, Front / 祝島フライヤー オモテ

Iwaishima Flyer, printed copy scanned 祝島フライヤー、印刷物のスキャン

Iwaishima Flyer, printed copy scanned

Another flyer designed and created by Atelier anastasia in teamwork with the InDesign/Illustrator designer mentioned below. He runs a designing SOHO named “azeel.” (See the “リンク” page above for more info on azeel.)
This flyer was commissioned by people of a small island named Iwaishima, Yamaguchi Pref., Japan. Located in Seto Naikai (Seto Inland Sea), this beautiful island has been home to fishers-farmers for centuries now. Then, there emerged a plan to build up a new nuclear power plant named Kaminoseki NPP just 3.5km apart (2.2 miles), across a tiny channel.
This is NO “nuclear phobia” of naive farmers. On the contrary, the island’s residents knew what a NPP does very well. It uses a lot of water to cool the reactor. The warmed water, usually 7C (12.6F) hotter than the natural sea water, is discarded into the sea. You see, this can hurt fishes and other seafood. So, the lovely island’s fishers had and have all the rights to oppose to the planned NPP. Thus, I am proud to have designed and created this flyer, which spread their message to the English-speaking world as well. It was first distributed at the assembly of the World Council of Churches in 2013, which convened in Busan, South Korea.

◇ The original Japanese message and photos were sent to me by a rep of Iwaishima’s people.
◇ Then, I wrote the English text, designed the layout and colors, and made the hand-drawn map.
◇ A native English editor improved my English.
◇ The Illustrator designer worked on the design details (like the letters, photo framing, etc.) and prepared the master copy PDF file.

* Since shown below is a scanned image of the printed flyer, it is hard to read the details. I’d appreciate your understanding.

For more info, or to make an order, please contact ermite@jcom.home.ne.jp

アトリエ あなすたーしゃが下のInDesign/Illustrator のデザイナーさんと協力でデザイン・作成したフライヤー、もう1つ。このデザイナーさん、azeel というSOHOを営んでらっしゃいます。詳しくは、上の「リンク」をクリックしてくださいな。

◇ 元の日本語メッセージと写真は、祝島の代表の方が私に送ってくださいました。
◇ それから私が英語テキストを書き、レイアウトなどをデザインし、手描きの地図を作成しました。
◇ 英語ネイティブのエディターが、私の英語をコピーエディトしてくださいました。
◇ そして Illustrator デザイナーが、文字や写真のフレームといったディテールをデザインし、版下のPDFファイルを作成してくれました。
* この画像は、実際の印刷物をスキャンしたものです。そのため、小さい文字など読みづらくなっているのは、ご了承くださいませ。

お問い合わせなどは、ermite@jcom.home.ne.jp まで!



Posted in Uncategorized | Iwaishima Flyer, Front / 祝島フライヤー オモテ はコメントを受け付けていません

Back side of the flyer below / 同じフライヤーのウラ

— and this is the back side of the same “lawsuit” flyer.
As with the front side,
* I wrote the Japanese text, made the cartoon (even though I am not a cartoonist and not good in making cartoons), and set up the layout, communicating with the client.
* The InDesitgn / Illustrator designer of my “team” did the software work and made the “master copy” PDF file.

— で、下の「訴訟の原告募集」フライヤーのウラ側です。
* 私(ひで)が日本語を書き、漫画家ではないので漫画は苦手ですがトニカク漫画を描き、レイアウトをしました。むろん、クライアントとやり取りしながらです。
* 同じInDesitgn / Illustrator のデザイナーが、ソフトでの作業をしてPDFの版下にしてくれました。

Back of the "Lawsuit flyer" 「原告募集」フライヤーのウラ

Back of the “Lawsuit flyer”


Posted in Uncategorized | Back side of the flyer below / 同じフライヤーのウラ はコメントを受け付けていません

Print design / 印刷物デザイン

Once in a while, Atelier anastasia designs printed matter as well.
here is an example — the front side of a flyer calling for plaintiffs to a lawsuit.
* I wrote the Japanese text, made the painting, and set up the layout, communicating with the client.
* The InDesitgn / Illustrator designer of my “team” did the software work and made the “master copy” PDF file.
* Then, the client took the PDF file and issued an order to a printer.

If you want us, the “anastasia team,” to do something like this, please contact: ermite@jcom.home.ne.jp
The rates differ depending on, among others, your budget, whether or not original painting / drawing is wanted (and how many), how many languages, full-color or monochrome.
* Shown below is a scanned image of an actually printed copy.

「アトリエ あなすたーしゃ」では、時折、こうした印刷物のデザインもやっております。ここにあるのは、ある訴訟の原告募集のフライヤーのオモテ。(すでに、原告募集は終了しております)
* 私(ひで)が、クライアントとやり取りしながら、日本語文章作成、絵画の作成、レイアウトを担当
* 「チーム」のInDesitgn / Illustrator デザイナーが、版下ファイルを作成。この場合、PDFファイルをクライアントに納品しました。
* クライアントがそのPDFファイルを持って、印刷業者にご自分で発注なさいました。

「アトリエ あなすたーしゃ プリント チーム」に印刷デザインをご用命あるいはお問い合わせの場合には、下記にご連絡くださいませ:ermite@jcom.home.ne.jp
料金は、貴方のご予算、オリジナルの絵画やイラストなどの有無や枚数、言語の数、4C かモノクロか、などに応じて変わります。
* 下の画像は、実際に印刷したフライヤーをスキャンしたものです。

Lawsuit flyer, front 訴訟フライヤー、オモテ

Lawsuit flyer, front

Posted in Uncategorized | Print design / 印刷物デザイン はコメントを受け付けていません

Another experiment / これも、実験です

This is yet another experiment — for some practical necessity. Once in a while, there are occasions where I need to wear a nametag, even though I am not an office worker. So, I tried weaving my name (HEEDAY) in this rosary.


"Nametag rosary"

“Nametag rosary”


Posted in Uncategorized | Another experiment / これも、実験です はコメントを受け付けていません